In Long Beach Island, New Jersey, elevation certificates are incredibly important for any commercial or residential structure. While elevation certificates have always been required by the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) for any structure in Long Beach Island, NJ located near a body of water, the general public has become much more aware of them in the wake of Superstorm Sandy’s devastation. FRD Surveying LLC is proud to be the surveying team that our community trusts for all of their elevation certificates. Our licensed land surveyors can provide everything necessary for official FEMA flood elevation certificates, which give you a full risk assessment for your new structure.
Our elevation certificates take into account a broad number of variables for your property, including the relationship of your various floor elevations, exterior ground elevations, and equipment elevations as compared to the established Base Flood Elevation (BFE) as determined by FEMA. The land surveyors at FRD Surveying LLC can help you through the process of identifying and evaluating your flood risks and how you can improve them, and meeting all of the necessary requirements for your elevation certificates.
At FRD Surveying LLC, we are passionate about keeping your buildings as safe as possible, and helping you understand the best ways to protect your investments against possible natural disasters. With our elevation certificates, you can ensure you are meeting all of FEMA’s guidelines, and understand for yourself exactly what your commercial and residential buildings may face in the event of a natural disaster like Superstorm Sandy.
Give FRD Surveying LLC a call today to learn more about elevation certificates in Long Beach Island, New Jersey, discuss our affordable pricing options, or schedule a consultation with one of our top of the line land surveyors. Our staff is friendly and knowledgeable, and would be happy to answer any of your questions. We look forward to serving you!